Ways to Give
Lighthouse was founded on a unique financial model and premise.
The idea is that education should be as accessible and equitable as possible.
Children, by definition, do not have money of their own — and thus cycles of access or lack thereof are perpetuated based on family income and thus educational level.
Lighthouse has a diverse community of participating families: some who can afford the at-cost price of educating their children (keeping in mind that our school does not receive any government subsidies nor other ongoing grant relationships to operate), and some who cannot.
Therefore, Lighthouse seeks to bridge the gap by supplementing its fee income with giving goodwill donations.
How can our supporters give?
- Volunteering time: we are thankful for parent and interested community members who help in various ways
- In-kind giving: at any given time, in-kind gifts help us keep our procurement costs low in areas as diverse as construction materials, furniture and fittings and other materials; educational services also provide discounts to make our curriculum strong
- Financial donations: individuals, companies and organisations are encouraged to consult our annual Wish List and consider giving on a one-off or ongoing basis.
Donations may be sent to:
Account name: The Lighthouse Trust
Bank: Mauritius Commercial Bank
9-15 Sir William Newton Street
Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius
Account Number: 017009235
IBAN: MU17MCBL0901000007009235000MUR
Lighthouse has partnered with Pioneers who have agreed to assist in forwarding donations on to us.
North American Donors:
Contact Pioneers
Go to http://www.pioneers.org/
Call 1 800 755 7284
Quote project number: 132073
Or go to https://give.pioneers.org/s-donate
- Fill in form
- Donation amount and frequency
- Project Account Number: 132073
- Name: Mauritius Lighthouse School Project
- Complete your details
Pacific and Asian Donors:
Contact Pioneers Australia
Call 1800 78 78 89
Or go to https://pioneers.org.au/give/donate/
- My Donation is for: Mauritius Lighthouse School Project
- Select amount, frequency and provide other details
European Donors:
Contact Pioneers in the UK
Go to https://www.pioneers-uk.org/give-to-missions/support-a-missions-project
- I would like to give to: Mauritius Lighthouse School Project
- Complete the form
Since its inception, Lighthouse has offered financial need-based scholarships as part of its Christian expression and mission, and to live out our philosophy of education. Some principles of our scholarship programme are:
- Lighthouse, in its normal fees, seeks to be as financially accessible to as many people as possible.
- This being said, even normal fees will be out of reach of many families. Scholarships help boost a new generation of Mauritians into a great learning environment that they otherwise would not even consider.
- We uphold the same expectations for all parents to be partnering and contribute to the life of the school. As they grow, students also must uphold character and approach-to-learning expectations.
- Scholarships are reserved for low-income families. In order to qualify, in addition to the normal application process, families must provide proof of income and means.
- Scholarships are awarded for one year only, renewable upon satisfactory review of the household income and participation criteria.
For more information, contact our Admissions team info@lighthouse.edu.mu.